Be careful in the network a lot of scam artists who want to deceive you, and can call their Telegram channels our name, or put our logo on your mail or messenger. We use messengers: Telegram, Votsap, – all are on the same number, which is listed in contacts +380937460098

Be careful there are many scammers on the Internet who want to deceive you, and they can name their Telegram channels with our name, or put our logo on your mail or messenger. We use messengers: Telegram, WhatsApp, – all are on the same number, which is indicated in the contacts +380937460098

We accept payment for our goods and services in cryptocurrency, as well as through fast financial money transfer systems MoneyGram, WesternUnion, Rai Transfer Money, as well as payment by bank transfer by invoice

It is also possible to pay for goods by bank account details. In this case the additional remittance will be the tax payment in the amount of 20-25% of the remittance price.

It is also possible to pay at a personal meeting in Sofia, Bulgaria, by appointment only.

We don’t accept any other payment methods.

We specialize in developing car diagnostic software and equipment for key programming, immobilizer pin code reading, odometer correction software and immobilizer bypass devices for gasoline and diesel cars. All our products are genuine.

The most popular products are devices for immobilizer override, devices for quick key training and many other devices, needed by every car service and special services. All devices are tested on real cars and have a full warranty.

The purpose of the devices offered is to help car mechanics and electricians all over the world to do their job. The devices are not recommended for illegal purposes. It is not recommended to buy these devices for people whose work is not connected with repair and maintenance of automobiles, except for governmental or officially registered special services. It must be remembered that misappropriation of personal belongings and trespassing on private property is illegal and punishable worldwide!

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